- Petronas summary of Petroliam Nasional Berhad name
- Liquid green color as the main color logo
- Oval logo designs such as oil droplets
- Logo design simple and easily understood by all community
- Favorite video game gaming nowadays
- Ps is the two-letter abbreviation of the original name of the play station
- There are 4 main colors red yellow green and blue liquid
- Merge two similar letters between the letters P and S
- Attractive logo like the letter P stands and letters S like a shadow
- Enterprise is the world's largest nutritional food products originating from the town of Vevey, Switzerland
- Nestle is the original name of the person who created it, Henri Nestle
- Black as the main color logo
- Pictures of birds and chicks main symbol logo
- Logos that give deeper meaning as loving mother to her son
- Favorite snacks community
- Potato chips were invented in 1967 in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
- Have interesting logos that mustache man wearing butterfly tie red and yellow colored letters
- Interesting letters like curved
- Interesting combination of logos and fonts design picture
- Known by the acronym HD or Harley, is an American motorcycle manufacturer company
- Founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin during the first decade of the 20th century
- There are three colors: white orange and black
- Attractive logo designs like shield
- Logo design attractive and neat with a combination of three colors